EPISODE 12: Alone Women
headline story of the day is a crime of rape and murder. The Los Angeles Daily News refers to the crime as the sixth victim of the season’s sex wave murder.

EPISODE 1: Jan 15th 1947
The Black Dahlia is most famous unsolved murder in Los Angeles history. I will be telling the story as it was covered on a daily basis in Los Angeles newspapers.

EPISODE 2: Jan 16th 1947
The Examiner has written the Headline to remember. The Los Angeles Times wrote a headline to forget.

EPISODE 3: Jan 17th
Within hours the FBI identifies Elizabeth Short as the victim based on her arrest for underaged drinking at the bar of the El Paseo Restaurant. This arrest photo is the one commonly used on book covers and in magazines.

EPISODE 5: Jan 22nd
The search for “Red” is over. Robert Manley is under arrest and co-operating with the Los Angeles Police.

EPISODE 6: Jan 23
"It sounds like a cheap detective thriller," said Capt. Jack Donohoe of the homicide squad, "but we finally were forced to turn to the theory that a woman was at the bottom of it." (Donohoe) pointed to other mutilation murders In which women In jealous rages hacked their girl friends to death.

EPISODE 7: Jan 24th
An unknown man threatened the life of Sultry Toni Smith, who now lives in the Hollywood apartment once shared by Miss Short. The brunette beauty, her lips trembling with fear, said she answered the telephone in Apartment 501 last night to hear a strange man's gruff voice say: 'Well Toni. you are next.”

EPISODE 8: Jan 25th & 26th
a most significant and unexpected event; the killer sends evidence to the newspapers and the police

EPISODE 9: Jan 29th
One man confesses, another man threats a woman by saying I will do you like I did the Black Dahlia. Police interview the men in Elizabeth Short’s date book and shake down a smut photographer.

EPISODE 10: Feb 10th
Early reporting suggests the victim has been shot in the face and cut with a knife. Neither is true. She has been struck in the forehead with a socket wrench, so that a hole is visible and misinterpreted as an entrance wound.

EPISODE 11: April & May
The Red Hibiscus Murder was a dud as a name. It demonstrates how little it matters when a crime is assigned a name, flower or otherwise, by the press when a transient woman sleeping on a public bench has died.

EPISODE 13: Grand Jury Suspects
Elizabeth Short is the only victim of bisection and exsanguination in American crime history